Friday, October 2, 2009


So it's super late at night... and how do I know that? Well the clock has numbers on it, that tell me that it is WAY past my bed time. Numbers dictate a lot in our lives. Our identities are consumed by numbers. We have social security numbers so that we can get a job, a loan, or a mortgage. We have telephone/cell numbers so that we can be contacted at any moment, and anywhere. We have numerical address so that we can have a location. We have a numerical birthday to signify the day our physical bodies first took it's first breath. We measure the height and weight of our bodies to signify our health and stature. We place a great deal on the things we can measure.

We often define our worth by the size of our paycheck, our home, the number of kids we have, or don't have, the number of years we spent in school, or the number of vacations we have taken. We identify our selves by these numbers and feel safe when we can measure or quantify our lives.

Recently I have been reminded that the gospel of Jesus Christ enlightens our minds about numbers. The scriptures are full of examples of numbers, which I just have to share.

Numbers: There are three members of the God head, our presidencies in the LDS church are organized in threes (a president and two counselors). There are three degrees of light; the sun, moon, and stars, three degrees of glory, and three degrees in the celestial world. Scholars state that Christ suffered in the garden of Gesthemene for 3 hours, and was resurrected on the third day. There are 12 tribes, 12 apostles, and 12 months in the year. There were 7 creative periods, the Earth was organized in 7 days, and we have 7 days in a week..... We have been admonished to forgive seventy times seven... or as often as we need. The examples go on and on.

What I am most impressed with though is the thought of "infinite"..... a number I cannot understand or comprehend. Christ's love and atonement is infinite. He has created worlds without numbers and yet what is so amazing is that he knows each ONE of us. All that he did, in his infinite wisdom and love, was done for everyONE. He seeks out the ONE lost sheep. He doesn't give up on ONE of us, even when we think our worth is worth nothing. So what is the worth of ONE? Does it have a number? The scriptures tell us that the worth of one soul is great! How do we measure "great", can we assign that a number?

There is great power in BIG numbers, but we need remember there is also great power in small, in just ONE. It is impossibly to measure the the power of ONE good man or woman on this earth. I have been blessed to be surrounded by many of these great ONES.


Cher said...

Thank you for this post Vicki. You are so amazing and have a very special gift and way of sharing the gospel's principles with all that you are with. You are ONE amazing woman. I sure love you and miss you greatly. I am so thankful for you in my life.

busymama said...

Love the post, I am going to use part of it in YW tommorow!!!:) Miss you! Megan is moving :(

Ali said...

Vicki-- Thanks for this. Good reminder.

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