Sunday, July 20, 2008

Goodbye Emma Mine

I am using my parents computer to do this entry, hence, no pictures. This week was the hardest week of my married life. I never thought that I could feel such sadness and loss over selling and moving, but I do. WOW talk about a hole in the heart. As we packed up, on Thursday, I kept seeing the past 6 years replay before me, and I was devistated. I woke up feeling okay, and then around 10 am, the door swung open as a group of "angels" swept in to literally sweep my house clean. I had to find moments to hide the tears of gratefulness, and sorrow. These wonderful women, (and men who helped us the entire night before) who were once strangers - are now some of the dearest people I know. They are truly family. When the angel crew finished, it was just the family. I would clean, and cry, and clean and cry and cry and cry. I walked down stairs and just sat on the stage in the playroom and sobbed. I just couldn't believe this was real!! I silently prayed for peace- or to please wake up to a year ago, when things seemed so much easier. Ug! Well, we took lots of pictures, and then as a family knelt and prayed one last time in our "home." We walked out and closed the door, and said goodbye to our "home." I don't think that I can go back for a while, it would just be to hard. For now we are homeless,.. thank goodness for parents who are willing and able to house our circus! To all my dear friends out in Herriman, we love you. We cherish our friendships with you, and will be expecting Christmas cards. ... until next post!.. loves...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My life is a Musical...

I wish that I had some pictures to show you.... but since I don't just close your eyes and imagine CHAOS!! My house looks as though a tornato has passed through, and I expect to find Dorothy, or the wizrd around any corner now. Yes we are packing up, and will be moving on Wednesday! I am sad, and happy, excited, and scared, and tired mixed up in all of this. I have many moments when I feel like I'm in a musical, (no I don't break into song...) but, in my thoughts songs are rushing - from: "For Good" from Wicked, as I think about the dear friends I have made here, and how much they have changed me "for good," to "Memories" from Cats, as I think of all the memories we have had here, to "Sunrise, sunset" from Fiddler on the Roof, .... I could go on and on... but, I am to tired. (It is almost 1 :30 am) We will keep you all posted on our location, since as of Friday - we will be "homeless."

Thursday, July 10, 2008

So what have you been up to?

The other day I called a dear friend, who I haven't spoken to in a while, and the question was asked, "So what have you been up to?" Obviously she hasn't tuned into my FANTASTIC blogspot, haha, which has been a bit pimped thanks to my cute sis-in-law... (thanks Ali). So just in case you're wondering what I've been up to, here's a little list of some of the "FUN." The other day, I ....
1. got up, (earlier than I had hoped, due to late night packing, and laundry)
2. nursed the baby, (I forget how often the littles need to eat! good thing she is such a sweet pea!)
3. showered (quickly- just to scrub the "stinky" off), I was on 4th day, grease hair- no time for that luxury (they say that is healthy for your hair right?)
4. Drove up to Park City to drop off Breilly and her friend to girl scout camp, just a mere 3 1/2 hour trip - I have plenty of time to spare! (ha ha) It was actually relaxing, and I made a few calls to some friends I've needed to talk to, great catch up time, especially funny when they'd ask what I've been up to....
5. Stopped to nurse baby - conveniently by the Outlet stores, I can't resist the possibility of finding a treasure, which I did find, CUTE $1 flip flops, and some little "cast"friendly skirts for Miss Kiley.
6. Ran by the store, we had run out of the necessities...
7. Returned something to another store.
8. Stop by store to get somethings for YW - yes I am still the YW president eventhough I will be homeless in just 7 days....I am so sad- I will miss these girls and the WONDERFUL women that I serve with.
9. Picked up kids, from the babysitter. WOW - My trip to the mountains (Park City) had now cost me over $100- UG! (especially since gas costs so much....yada yada...)
10. Come home and pack some more - I am starting to wonder if it will ever end..
10. 7:00 kids ask when is dinner -oops - BAD mom moment, - quick meal - thank goodness for eggos and a toaster.
11. Bath time - everyone needs one, including me - ha ha
12. I know that I nursed peanut many more times than I am documenting, as well as working snack shack for the other kids.
13. Stories, prayers and kisses... this always lasts way to long although I am the one to blame, shoot they are all just so scrumptous, I love my littles so much!
14. Computer stuff
15. Laundry and horrible tv viewing. - Wow I could've bought some "treasures" on TV, I mean who comes up with these creations?
16. I don't know what time I went to bed, maybe 2 or so in the morning.

I feel like repeating the tagline from a soap opera.. so,...."these are the days of "my" life." I've also had some really fun "cherry on top" moments, like sick kids with croup, and another with stomach flu. The fun just never stops!!

I was so hoping to have a party with friends before we moved, but alas it will not happen. boo hoo. I know that you're wondering why, and thinking I'm a slacker, I mean I do nothing all day long, but sit and watch tv and infomercials and eat bonbons,,, ahhhh if only! ha ha

The past month since the birth of little Kiley (aka angel baby) has flown by. WOW! Time flies when your having I am looking foward to new adventures, but I am so sad to close this wonderful chapter of our lives. We have been so blessed the last (almost) 6 years. How thankful we are for our friends, family, and memories. We love you all!! (please excuse any typos or other mistakes I am a little crazy right now ( but then again what's new?)